Feelin' fat and bloated?!?! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!! Is your New Year's resolution to loose weight and work out everyday? How many of you have stuck with your plan? If you haven't, it's ok. The biggest battle is getting your BUTT in the gym. Once you're there you are good to go. TRY THIS: pump yourself up with this playlist when you are feeling unmotivated and~ALOHAMORA~you're at the gym crushin' it.
I love to work out, but sometimes it's tough to just get up and do it. Find your motivation. Maybe it's impressing that special someone, or getting yourself to a healthy point. Whatever your goal is, try to personalize your playlist into something that will get YOU going. This playlist makes me want to SWEAT!!! Listen to mine or make your own. Regardless, figure out what gets you going.
You don't need a personal trainer to kick your booty into gear. All you need is the willpower, AKA this playlist, to get you going. These tunes range from motivational rock to jazzy electronica. Plug yourself into a REAL resolution plan an go kick some ass.
Happy New Years my Gryfindor fellows & good luck!!!!!!